
我已经初三了,是该是学习的重要时候了,但是我常常做出错误的选择,让自己和家人都很失望。尤其是我总是得罪了你,爸爸,我深感遗憾和愧疚。今天,我要向你诚心诚意地道歉,希望你能原谅我,并给我一个重新开始的机会。爸爸,我承认我犯了很多错误。我常常玩手机迟迟不回家,忽略了我应尽的学习责任;我也时常和同学闹矛盾,没有以理服人的方式解决问题;我还经常对你发脾气,言语不敬,没有尊重你。我明白这些行为严重伤害了你的心,让你失望难过。我感到非常愧疚和内疚,我真的希望你能原谅我。爸爸,我知道要真正的认错,只说口头上的道歉是远远不够的。我要用实际行动来证明我已经意识到了自己的错误,并且会改正。首先,我要开始端正自己的学习态度,认真对待每一堂课,做好每一项作业,争取取得好成绩。我也要认真听从你的建议,跟上班上的同学们好好相处,和谐友善地解决问题。此外,我要努力控制自己的情绪,不再对你发脾气,用温和的口吻与你交流。我相信只有这样,你才会感受到我真正悔过的决心。爸爸,我知道,得到你的原谅并不容易。但我相信,你是世上最好的爸爸,你总是能将每一个错误都变成了我成长的机会。你曾经对我说过,错误是无所谓的,关键是要从错误中吸取教训,变得更加优秀。现在,我想告诉你,我真的明白你的教诲,我想要成为一个更好的人,让你和妈妈为我骄傲。在面对新的挑战时,我知道前方还有很多困难等着我,但是我不再害怕,因为我知道,只要你还在我身边,支持我,我就能战胜一切困难。爸爸,我真心请求你的原谅,并且希望你能给我一个重新开始的机会。我会付出更多的努力,让你不再失望,让你有一个对我更有信心的儿子。谢谢你,爸爸。在以后的日子里,我会时刻牢记你的教诲,不断成长和进步。我会用实际行动来证明,你的爱和期望没有白费,我一定会做到更好。我错了,爸爸,请原谅我,给我一个重新开始的机会。我爱你。【参考译文】I'm Sorry, Dad, Forgive MeI'm already in my third year of junior high school, which is an important time for study However, I often make wrong choices and disappoint both myself and my family Especially, I frequently offend you, Dad, and I deeply regret and feel guilty for it Today, I want to sincerely apologize to you and hope you can forgive me and give me a chance to start overDad, I admit that I have made many mistakes I often play with my phone and come home late, neglecting my responsibility to study; I also frequently have conflicts with classmates and fail to resolve them in a rational way; I often lose my temper at you, speaking disrespectfully and not showing you any respect I understand that these actions seriously hurt your heart and make you sad and disappointed I feel deeply sorry and regretful, and I truly hope you can forgive meDad, I know that a real apology requires more than just words I need to prove that I have realized my mistakes and will make changes with my actions Firstly, I want to correct my attitude towards studying, take every class seriously, and do all my homework well, striving for good grades I also want to listen to your advice attentively, get along well with my classmates harmoniously and solve problems in a friendly and reasonable manner Additionally, I will try my best to control my emotions, no longer lose my temper at you, and communicate with you in a gentle tone I believe that only in this way can you feel my genuine determination to repentDad, I know that it is not easy to gain your forgiveness But I believe that you are the best dad in the world, and you always turn every mistake into an opportunity for me to grow You have told me before that mistakes don't matter; what matters is learning from them and becoming a better person Now, I want to tell you that I truly understand your teachings, and I want to become a better person who can make you and Mom proudFacing new challenges, I know that there are still many difficulties waiting for me However, I am no longer afraid because I know that as long as you are by my side, supporting me, I can overcome any obstacles Dad, I sincerely ask for your forgiveness and hope you can give me a chance to start over I will put in more effort to make you proud and give you more confidence in me Thank you, DadIn the future, I will always remember your teachings and continuously grow and improve myself I will prove with my actions that your love and expectations were not in vain, and I will do better I am sorry, Dad, please forgive me and give me a chance to start over I love you